Install with internal database:
Select on the first start of MP3db the internal database and choose the path to your cd/dvd-drive. Also select if the drive is mounted to a fixed point (like in Windows, e.g. D:\) or mounted dynamicly (like in MacOS, e.g. /Volumes or /media). By clicking "OK" the database is created and MP3db is ready for use. This mode is a little slower than the external database and only supports single user.
Install with external database:
To install MP3db a SQL-database is needed. At present are supported and tested:
- MySQL: Version 4.0 and higher
- PostgreSQL: Version 8.0 and higher (<= 8 are untested)
- Microsoft SQL server: Version 2000 and 2005 (others are untested)
Installation MySQL:
Please install the database (and console-utils under linux) on your PC. Now open a databaseconsole (Linux per commandline: 'mysql -u root -p', under Windows from the starting menu) and execute following commands:
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; <- creates an user "user" with password "password". Chance this to your own values. "%" allows all hosts to connect to the database (even out of the internet if no firewall installed). If you don't want to allow this you have to chance it to e.g. "localhost" so only connections from the same computer will be accepted.
GRANT SELECT, CREATE, DROP, ALTER, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, LOCK TABLES, INDEX ON mp3db.* to 'user'@'%'; <- assigns to the user "user" connected from any host ("%") the needed rights on the database "mp3db".
CREATE DATABASE mp3db; <- creates the database "mp3db". Now you can leave the databaseconsole with 'exit' an proceed on the bottom of this site.
Installation PostgreSQL (under Windows):
Please install the database and create an user with password in the administrationtool "pgAdmin" (in starting menu). Now create a database (e.g. mp3db) with this user as owner.
Installation Microsoft SQL Server (under Windows):
Please install the database and create an user with password in the administrationtool. Now create a database (e.g. mp3db) with this user as owner. Please be sure, that the SQL server provides TCP/IP connections.
Now start MP3db. First the settings dialog is started.
Select or enter the path to your CD/DVD-drive for reading MP3s. If the drive has no fixed path (like in Windows) please choose the parent path (e.g. /media or /Volumes). Then disable the checkbox for fixed drives. Then choose your database type out ouf drop-down-box "JDBC-Driver" die entsprechende Datenbank if you are not using the internal database. Depending on database the URL must be entered.
At MySQL-databases: jdbc:mysql://[host]/[database]
At PostgreSQL-databases: jdbc:postgresql://[host]/[database]
Example: A MySQL-database running on the lokal computer with a database "mp3db". You have to enter: "mysql://localhost/mp3db"
You have to enter your username and password to their fields and click on "Create database". The database structure will be created.
MP3db is now ready for use.